The Initiative

Need our Help?

How We help?

Aaghaaz has been helping people since March 2020. We verify and initiate our cases after getting complete paper work with the help of our volunteers. Once the case is verified, we start working on raising donations on our Facebook group. Our volunteers then personally go and settle the case from the donations collected by keeping all the personal details confidential. We do not help with the cash directly.
If you need help fill the form down and we will respond to you.
Alternatively Fill the form below and Whatsapp us

Before filling the form read AAGHAAZ rules

Phone number:
CNIC number:
Number of family members:
Zakat eligible: yes/no
Purpose of fundraising:
**Process will start after we get the form**
  1. +92- 307- 9432858

  2. +971-559934081

  • aaghaaztheinitiative@gmail.com